Quitting Smoking is the single healthiest decision you can make in your life. The Surgeon General has labeled nicotine addiction as "the number one cause of death, in The United States, that is preventable".
Upon your arrival to the clinic, we will explain how nicotine addiction occurs and precisely what medications are used to counteract and replace the addiction. We will then introduce you to a simple three part process to replacing the emotional or behavioral side of the addiction.
Our physicians and qualified medical personnel will perform a routine physical examination and an EKG.
Once patients are deemed suitable candidates, we will administer the precise medications to block your urges and cravings for nicotine.
You will notice immediately after treatment that your urges and cravings to smoke have been eliminated. You will also notice that you become lightheaded and euphoric. Much like the feeling you had when you first smoked or returned to smoking after a long period of abstinence.
Due to the fact that you will be euphoric DRIVING IS NOT PERMITTED THE NIGHT OF YOUR TREATMENT. You will need to bring someone with you to drive you home
You will be given a prescription for medications that you will take for the next two weeks. They will prolong the treatment and make sure you do not experience the lightheadedness, irritability, urges or cravings to smoke during the withdrawal period.
We will also provide you with take home literature that outlines the behavioral therapy we discussed at the clinic.